KS1 PSHE Unit: Digital Lifestyles
PowerPoint lessons x6
Discussion led learning
Activities & resources
Memory training
Printable WALTS
WALT: Talk about our identity both in real life and online
WALT: Create a safe online portal
WALT: Design our own online page
WALT: Recognise when something we see or hear online makes us uncomfortable
WALT: Know what to do when something online makes us uncomfortable
WALT: Share what we have learned with others
KS1 PSHE Unit: Financial Capability
PowerPoint Lessons x6 with links, activities and resources
Typed WALTS included
Lesson 1 WALT: Know where the money they might have come from and know how to keep it safe
Lesson 2 WALT: Know some ways money might be used and how it is an finite source
Lesson 3 WALT: Know that there are some things we have to buy and some things we choose to buy
Lesson 4 WALT: Understand what a family might need to pay for and some of the ways it might be done
Lesson 5 WALT: Know how to keep simple financial records
Lesson 6 WALT: Understand that the feelings we may have about money are varied and may change